
Digimon Tamers-Adventures of Takato and Jeri, Pt.4

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The day seemed like it would be a good day. But by noon it got hot, and dark clouds loomed overhead. That meant a storm would be on its way.

But right now, that didn't matter - Takato was on the phone with someone.

Takato: Well, that'd be great. I'll see ya then. Bye cous. See ya and Minami in a couple of weeks. (hangs up)

Just then, Takato heard the door knocking. He went and saw that it was Jeri and Calumon.

Takato: Oh, hi Jeri!

Jeri: Hi Takato! Whatcha think about the clouds?

Takato: I'm thinkin' we're probably gonna get a big storm.

Just then, a roll of thunder is heard. That scared Calumon a bit, and soon it starts raining.

Takato: I think you two'd better get inside before the whole deluge starts.

Jeri: I agree.

Jeri ducked inside and wiped her wet bare feet on the mat as she entered.

Takato: My parents're out running errands at the moment, so Guilmon and I are minding the store. Though I think it might be a good idea to close it for now and have some lunch ourselves.

Guilmon: Guilmon Bread, yay!

Jeri: (giggles) Guilmon, you're so silly.

Guilmon: I can't help that I'm hungry.

Suddenly both Jeri and Calumon felt their stomachs grumbling.

Jeri: Guess it really is time for lunch.

They all laughed.

Somewhere in the shadows, a figure could be seen.

Voice: Ah, so there are the two humans Master spoke of. Ho-ho-ho, I'm going to enjoy this.

Suddenly, he heard two voices screaming. He turned and saw that it was Kazu and Kenta. he came out of the shadows, revealing himself to be Daemon.

Daemon: Well, a couple of spies, eh?

He stretched out his arms and grabbed the two boys by their shirt collars.

Kazu/Kenta: (thinking) Aw man, where's our Digimon when we need em?

Meanwhile, inside the bakery, Takato, Jeri, Guilmon, and Calumon were having lunch. Guilmon of course was having Guilmon Bread filled with peanut butter when his ears perked up. He sniffed the air and started growling.

Jeri: (notices) What's up, Guilmon?

Guilmon: A Digimon.

Then they heard screaming.

Takato: Uh-oh, sounds like trouble. C'mon!

Takato led the others outside and they saw Daemon carrying Kazu and Kenta away.

Calumon: Oh no! It's Kazu and Kenta.

Jeri: We've gotta save em!

Takato: (looks him up) It's Daemon. A mega-level virus type. Special attack is Evil Inferno. Uh-oh, says here he's one of the Deadly Digimon!

Daemon: (turns around towards Takato and the others) Very perceptive of you, boy. And you two are the lovebirds whom our Master has spoken of.

Takato: (about Kazu and Kenta) What're you planning to do with them?!

Daemon: Nothing. I'll let them go... In exchange for your girlfriend. (points to Jeri)

Calumon: No way!

Guilmon: (growls) Never!

Takato: You're crazy! Why should I do what you say?

Daemon: Because I know there's a darkness within her that could prove useful for our Master.

Jeri gasped.

Daemon: You know, don't you? How you hid the truth about your late mother from your friends? How your sadness nearly brought ruin to both worlds?

Jeri: But... But I already faced my darkness!

Daemon: That makes little difference to me...

Voice #1: Destruction Tracker!

Voice #2: Perfect Storm!

Daemon was shot in the back, causing him to drop Kazu and Kenta to the ground. It was Guardromon and MarineAngemon.

Daemon: (growls) No matter. (to Jeri) You may have faced your darkness, little girl, but part of it may still linger in your heart. So, I'd advice you to come with me... So I can see for myself.

Takato: You want her? You'll have to get past me first!

Kazu: Whoa. Guess Takato's serious about his relationship with Jeri.

Kenta: No kidding. Maybe we shouldn't have poked fun at em for it.

D-Power: Biomerge Digivolution.

Takato: Biomerge, activate!

Guilmon: Guilmon, Biomerge to...

Everyone watched as Takato and Guilmon became one.

Gallantmon: GALLANTMON!

Daemon: Ah, a knight in shining armor comes to save his princess. How adorable.

Jeri: Go for it, Takato! Show im how strong you are!

Gallantmon: You got it!

Daemon: First let me change into something more... Comfortable.

Suddenly, Daemon removed his cloak, revealing his true demonic form. Kazu and Kenta screamed at the sight of it.

Gallantmon: That won't stop me from doing what I must do.

Daemon: Oh really? Evil Inferno!

Gallantmon pulled his shield in front of him to protect himself and the others.

Gallantmon: I'll have to get him away from the city.

Then he rammed into Daemon and flew right into the sky.

Daemon: Unhand me you fool or feel my wrath!

Soon they were 30,000 feet up in the air.

Gallantmon: This way, no one'll get hurt.

Daemon: So that's how it is.

Gallantmon: (nods) It is. I refuse to allow you to have your way.

Daemon: Your chivalry will be your undoing, knight. Evil Inferno!

Gallantmon: That's where you're wrong, demon. Royal Saber!

Their attacks met and seemed to keep going at each other. Neither one giving the other an edge. Suddenly, from within, Takato seemed to hear...

Jeri: (voice) Don't give up, Takato! You can do it!

Gallantmon: (Takato's voice) You're right. I can do it. (both voices) Final Elysian!

Both his attacks seemed to merge and overpowered Daemon's attack, incinerating him.

Daemon: (in pain) NO! HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?!

Gallantmon: Simple. I fight for the people I love. You only fight for your own selfish motives.

Daemon: (growls) Don't think that just because you've won this battle, that you've won the war! There's still two more Deadly Digimon to deal with, and they will come for you.

Suddenly, Daemon exploded into bits of data. From below, Jeri and the others saw the explosion. Then they saw Gallantmon in the air, triumphant.

Others: YAY!

Jeri: You did it!

Gallantmon returned to the ground and de-digivolved back to Takato and Guilmon.

Takato: Thanks, Jeri. For believing in me.

Jeri: (blushes) Of course.

There was a long silence between the two.

Takato: Oh, that's right. I talked with my cousin Kai, and he says that we can go and stay at his place in Okinawa for the next two weeks.

Kazu: Really?

Kenta: That's so cool!

Jeri: Oh, I'm so excited.

Takato smiled.

Kazu/Kenta: We gotta tell the others!

Takato: Let's call em up.

Jeri brought out her cellphone and called Rika's number.

Rika: (voice) Hello?

Jeri: Hi Rika, it's Jeri.

Rika: (voice) Oh hey Jeri. What's up?

Jeri: How would you like a vacation in Okinawa?

Rika: (voice) Hmm. Sounds like fun. But just outta curiosity, why?

Jeri: Takato's cousin called and offered.

Rika: (voice) Oh, ya mean Kai? Sure. Hold on a minute, I'll ask mom and grandma and see if it's okay. (pause) Good news, Jeri. My folks say it's okay. When do we leave?

Jeri: Oh, just a minute. Takato? When do we leave?

Takato: Oh, 4 days from now.

Jeri: Hear that, Rika?

Rika: Guess Renamon and I'd better get ready then. See ya in 4 days' time.

Jeri: See ya then, Rika.

Meanwhile, Takato called Henry's place.

Henry: (voice) Hello?

Takato: Hey, Henry. How would you and Suzie feel about a vacation at my cousin Kai's place in Okinawa?

Henry: (voice) Hmm. Hold that thought, I'll ask. (pause) My parents say it's okay, as long as I don't let Suzie outta my sight. When do we leave?

Takato: Oh, in 4 days' time.

Henry: (voice) Okay, then. We'll be ready. See ya soon. (hangs up)

Takato: (hangs up) Henry and Suzie are up to it.

Jeri: Great. Anyone else?

Impmon: Hey, fellas. Did I miss out on anything?

Tamers/Digimon: Hey, it's Impmon.

Calumon: Say Impmon, you look like you could use a vacation.

Impmon: Vacation? Why, what's up?

Jeri: We've been given this great opportunity... Tell him, Takato!

Takato: We're going on vacation at my cousin Kai's place in Okinawa.

Impmon: Really? Sounds like fun.

Jeri: Ya wanna come?

Impmon: Hmm... Well, I'll go... If my tamers can go?

Takato: Well, I don't see why not.

Impmon: Cool. I'll check up on em and see what they think.

Takato: Just remember, we leave in 4 days' time!

Impmon: Got it! (runs off)

Calumon: See ya later!

Jeri: Think he'll come, Takato?

Takato: Guess we'll see, in 4 days' time.

Kazu: Well, Kenta and I've gotta get ready ourselves.

Kenta: We'll let ya know what our parents say.

Both: See ya later, lovebirds! (they run off)

Takato: (chuckles) Those two goofballs. (notices Jeri carrying a kit of some kind) Say Jeri, whatcha got in that kit?

Jeri: Oh, it's nail polish. (smiles)

Takato: Ah, I see.

Jeri: (flirty) Y'know what that means?

Takato: (blushing) D-Do you want me to help with your toenails?

Jeri smiled and nodded.

Takato: Well, I guess I could give it a try. Let's do it in the living room.

Jeri followed Takato toward the living room. Upon sitting on the sofa, she put her feet in his lap.

Takato: Okay, so what colors would you like?

Jeri: Hmm... How bout yellow?

Takato: (pause) Sure.

So Takato first started with her left foot. He was careful not to make any mistakes as he was doing it. Soon her left foot was done.

Jeri: (wiggles her toes) Looks good. (smiles)

Then Takato worked on her right foot. As before, he was careful of how he did her toenails.

Takato: (finishes up) There. That's done.

Jeri wiggled all ten of her toes. She thought they were wonderful.

Jeri: They're lovely, Takato.

Takato: Glad you think so. Considering it's my first time doing toenails.

Jeri: Was it fun?

Takato: Actually... Yes.

Jeri: (hugs Takato) Glad you liked it.

Meanwhile, still unknown to them, the Deadly Digimons' master, the Shadowy Figure, was watching them.

Shadowy Figure: So, they're going on vacation, eh? Hmm... Leviamon!

Leviamon: (steps forward) Yes, sire?

Shadowy Figure: You shall follow them.

Leviamon: Yes! Finally! A chance to take out those humans and their Digipets. And it looks as though they'll be in my element. (chuckles as he walks away)

Lucemon: Master, may I speak openly?

Shadowy Figure: What is it, Lucemon?

Lucemon: Should Leviamon fail, I already have a plan of how to deal with the humans, especially the traitor Beelzemon. (brings out 2 spheres)

Shadowy Figure: Ah... Are they...?

Lucemon: Yes, sire. They're the DigiCores of Barbamon and Belphemon. (brings out a 3rd one) And this one is Daemon's DigiCore. When they were destroyed, I managed to collect their DigiCores before they disappeared forever. And with your permission Master, I'd like to add Laylamon's DigiCore to my collection in order to help my plan to succeed.

Shadowy Figure: But of course.

Lucemon then sank his claws into his master's chest, grabbing Laylamon's DigiCore, which he had also absorbed when he loaded her data. Lucemon finally managed to bring out Laylamon's DigiCore.

Lucemon: (chuckles) Of course, if Leviamon does fail, I'll definitely add his DigiCore to my collection, including Beelzemon's DigiCore. But not before Beelzemon learns the whole truth about why he came to the human world in the first place.

Shadowy Figure: (chuckles evilly) Excellent, Lucemon. Be prepared to leave for the human world when I order you to.

Lucemon: (bows) Yes, my master. (to Laylamon's DigiCore) Poor Laylamon. You could've chosen me all the years ago, and not Beelzemon. But don't worry, you two lovebirds will soon be reunited... (grins evilly)

Four days' later...

Takato, Jeri, Guilmon, and Calumon are among the first to meet at the airport.

Takato: Hey, beautiful.

Jeri: Hi, cutie. (wiggles her toes)

Takato: (chuckles) Think your feet'll be able to stand the hot sands of Okinawa?

Jeri: Oh, don't worry. I'm pretty tough.

Voice: Guess we'll see.

They turned and saw Rika and Renamon, all packed up.

Takato: Oh hey, Rika.

Jeri: How's it going?

Rika: Great, thanks.

Then Henry and Terriermon arrived, along with Suzie and Lopmon.

Terriermon: Hey guys!

Then came Kazu and Kenta with Guardromon and MarineAngemon.

Kazu: Hey dudes and dudettes!

Kenta: I just had an idea about how to transport the Digimon. MarineAngemon?

MarineAngemon nodded and blew out a big bubble.

Kenta: The Digimon could use this big bubble to fly behind the plane while we're bound for Okinawa.

Takato: Hmm. Whaddaya think Guilmon?

Guilmon: Well, it's better than being shoved into a suitcase like last time.

Just then a car rolled up. And out stepped Ai, Mako, and Impmon.

Jeri: Impmon, you made it.

Impmon: Yep.

Ai and Mako's dad then looked out the car window.

Dad: You kids look after my little ones, okay?

Jeri: (steps up) You can count on me. And the others too.

Dad: All right, then. (to Ai and Mako) Have fun you two!

Ai/Mako: Okay, Dad! Bye!

Then their father drove off.

Takato: Well, looks like we're all here.

Kazu: Yeah. 'Cept Ryo.

Rika blushed upon hearing his name.

Takato: Well, maybe next time.

Then Rika noticed Jeri's yellow painted toenails.

Rika: Uh... Nice color, Jeri.

Jeri: Oh, you like?

Rika: Uh... (blush) Yeah, it suits you.

Jeri: Thanks. (smiles)

As soon as the Tamers got onto the plane, the big bubble that MarineAngemon made which he and all the Digimon rode in soon had itself attached to the tail of the plane. Inside, Takato was seated next to Jeri, which was okay for them both.

Takato: Can't wait for ya to see Okinawa.

Jeri: I'm excited already. (smiles)

What does Lucemon plan to do with the DigiCores of his fellow Deadly Digimon? Will the Tamers be able to handle it?

To be continued...
Comment Before You Favourite by BoffinbraiN

Based on an RP I did with :iconazraelfinalstar:
Last chapter - Digimon Tamers-Adventures of Takato and Jeri, Pt.3It was late afternoon as we find Takato, Jeri, Guilmon, and Calumon by the lake. Jeri is soaking her barefeet in the water, and was enjoying the feeling of the water on her feet.
Jeri: This is sooo relaxing.
Takato: Yeah, especially after all that walking.
Suddenly, they heard someone jogging coming towards them. Takato sees her, and recognizes her as Tally Onodera, one of the women working at Hypnos.
Takato: Oh hey there!
Tally: Oh hey you two. How ya doing?
Takato: Oh, we're doin' fine.
Calumon: (flies over to Tally) Hi, Ms. Tally!
Tally: Well, hello there, cutie. (pets Calumon)
Jeri noticed how Tally was dressed; she wore shorts, and a sleeveless top, but no shoes on her feet.
Jeri: Say, you have no shoes.
Tally: Oh yes. See, this might come as a shock to you, but I've been jogging barefoot to give my feet more flexibility.
Jeri: Really? How's it working for you?
Tally: Well, I think it's working quite well. (moves her foot up and down, and twists it around a bit) See? (wiggles her

Next chapter - Digimon Tamers-Adventures of Takato and Jeri, Pt.5Takato, Jeri, and their friends were enjoying their plane ride to Okinawa. One female attendant came up to where Takato and Jeri sat. She then noticed that Jeri had no shoes on.
Attendant: Excuse me, miss. But is there any reason why you have no shoes?
Jeri: Well, I've been going barefoot for a while now as a lifestyle choice.
Attendant: Oh, okay. As long as your feet aren't too cold. Anything I can get for you two?
Jeri: How bout some soda?
Takato: Oh yeah, me too.
Attendant: coming right up, you two lovebirds. (giggles, walks away)
Takato blushed a little, and so did Jeri.
Soon the plane landed in Okinawa as scheduled. With that, the bubble containing the Digimon soon came off the tail of the plane and landed on the ground, popping and allowing them to move about. Meanwhile, after getting all of their stuff, the Tamers soon heard...
Voice: Yo, Takato!
Takato turned, and they all saw Takato's cousin, Kai Urazoe, racing up to them.
Kai: Hey, cous, it's been a while. Been waitin' for ya

Characters (c) Toei
© 2014 - 2024 ChipmunkRaccoonOz
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CyberDuke's avatar
So the whole gang is now on vacation with Takato's cousin; Kai.

And so Leviamon is next, it would not be much of a vacation with this upcoming battle.